Location : Pramukh Swami Auditorium, Rajkot, India.
On the stage : Government officials from MSME and different industries ministers.
Serpent Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd. has been recognized and nominated in the category of 'INDIA 500 Most Promising IT Company' of 2017 by Benchmark Trust. India5000.com is the research group of Benchmark Trust, which is creating a platform by doing research and recognition for 5000 best MSME in quality output. Serpent Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd. is all geared up to receive the award in the Finale round, the Award was presented to the Managing Director of SerpentCS, from the officer of MSME in Rajkot on 23rd Dec, 2017. This is proud moment of celebration for the hardwork done by the team of Serpent Consulting Services since its inception, 2011. This marks another award in a row after the award received at Delhi, IEDRA.
SerpentCS feels immense pleasure to receive the award. It has been a proven fact that we listen to our Customers, suggest the best fit solution, serve the state-of-the art, deliver quality, hire the best talent, nourish the employees to do the best, respecting the time and accuracy. These factors are the bricks of our foundation leading to Success.
SerpentCS is thankful to everyone who have been supporting us for all during the years since incubation, either actively or passively; be it the local government, well wishers, ex-colleagues, customers and employees. This is a victory of yours, be proud!