Dear Reader, Being an expert of ODOO Since 11+ years, we have been releasing some useful tips and news around Odoo every month. Here we go for March 2019. Please note down the ODOO tips coming out of Media around ODOO especially Twitter and Facebook. Let's thank to them.
Here are the tips.
Some tricks for
#odoo developers. Went through the core tools and highlighted some of the helpful / most used tools available. Might be a good, quick reference for people in the future.
Discovery of the day:
#Odoo 12 no longer uses t-field-options but t-options now. See
Tip: since today the
#Odoo master version (upcoming V13) is running on jQuery 3.x! It will have breaking changes ( …).
@chartjs will be added in#Odoo V13! This opens up a wide range of options for building statistics and more advanced portals out of the box.
#Odoo tip: never use conditional section in asset bundle, it cause performance issue, thanks to@odony@mart__e
#odoo#vtiger v11 v12 contributed - …@odoo@vtigercrm
Making of new project management dashboard for service industry
Lesson from the
#odoo commit of the day - Solution may be 2 lines of commit, the test cases would be more than 20 lines.#Stick to#Quality@odoo ! … - Fixed tracked products with putaway strategy
#Odoo #tip of
the day: Filter the records by searching in the m2m fields. Follow the
given example in your search view & you will be able to search from
m2m field: <field name="employee_ids" string="Employees"
Simple script to analyse your PostgreSQL database config, give tuning advice
#Odoo shell just like python or any other shell is amazing and will be more helpful to everyone. It is available in all the versions after v9. Erp Harbor#Odooshell#Odoo …
#Odoo R&D peek: Generate and print return labels for all carriers. As well as additional improvements regarding delivery orders on the portal. … …
Odoo R&D peek: After sales services. Manage refunds, returns,
coupons, and repairs directly from your helpdesk tickets. Integrate your
support teams with sales, accounting, project, and warehouse
Odoo Gym Management Introduction and Brief - SerpentCS …
Discovery of the day: Access group terminology is misleading so all
the "Manager" security groups' name have been renamed to "Administrator"
in master branch to remove the confusion.
#Odoo restricts usage of Exceptions types to ValidationError for constraints in … be aware of that when testing!
#odoo v10 has now #inotify and #watchdog both to monitor, handle
filesystem events and dev reload !
@Openworx app: Get Sound and Desktop Push notifications on new#Odoo conversation messages. …
#Odoo debug tip: annoyed by the long polling log messages? Use this: --log-handler=werkzeug:ERROR
SerpentCS has integrated Worldpay with
#odoo. Worldpay is one of the most used payment gateways in the UK#regions . … manage your#invoice and#transaction#odoo#Uk#Worldpay#payment#Gateway#SerpentCS
- Odoo news in Sep 2018.
- Odoo news in Oct 2018.
- Odoo news in Nov 2018.
- Odoo news in Dec 2018.
- Odoo news in Jan 2019.
- Odoo news in Feb 2019.
Look at the events and customer feedback.
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